Project J
Like some of my best ideas this one came to me one morning while in the shower. Not sure what it is about ideas and the shower, maybe the white noise and warmth of the water provides a calming effect...anyway before this gets too deep and analytical I want to write about my idea which I'm calling (for the lack of any better description) Project J.
Karen & Diesel January 2017 |
Valentines Day 2016 |
I failed to get the job at my interview on 17th Feb, Karen had seen that as a ticket out of her current situation job wise as we would move back to the UK to start a new life. She was very subdued when I returned home on the 17th but we tried to look beyond this setback and had already decided that she should give up work. The next day we decided to go to Dusseldorf on a day trip, she felt ill and we decided not to go in the end. With the day now free I needed to fix the garage door (which I had managed to crash her car into a couple of weeks earlier - don't ask!) I went to the hardware store, brought some parts, fixed the garage door and came back to find that my wife had hung herself from the banister of the upstairs landing/hallway.
Flowers at the Funeral |
Diversity Day
Back at work some months later, the department had decided to hold an Inclusion day, my team and I were also struggling to deal with the feedback from the previous years People survey which suggested that high levels of bullying and harassment were being experienced despite having a zero tolerance policy. Inclusion (or the lack of it) is often associated with bullying so there was a link that needed to be exploited. We arranged a coffee and cake session to bring the team together in an inclusive way to talk about Inclusion, Bullying and Harassment. As department head I was expected to lead the discussion but to be honest I was struggling with finding words so turned to the poster which the department had produced to advertise the event which had a few key positive words written on it as a means of defining what the day was supposed to be about. As I have said before, I'm an engineer and find some of this people stuff difficult so need all the help I can get. So it was while thinking about those words in the shower one morning in September that I stumbled on the idea of combining Jenga with the positive words on the poster to produce a model/visual aid which I could use to talk about the underlying concepts but basically to show that the lack of something positive doesn't always mean the end of the world (the collapse of the Jenga tower) but eventually if you keep denying, preventing and taking away the positives, collapse is inevitable in (for an engineer) a satisfyingly predictable way.
The Prototype
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The Prototype |
More Shower Time
Next morning another shower and more time to reflect and I started to realise how everything seemed to line up. When you start out in life as a child, you start with a few basic bricks (a bit like the lower levels of Maslows heirarchy of needs) as you develop you and your parents start to build your personal stack of bricks filled with lots of positives, beliefs and assumptions - perhaps these are the basic building blocks of mental health in the same way that a good diet and exercise are the building blocks of good physical health. At some point, life starts to play with your personal stack. Your positives, beliefs and assumptions are challenged by life events, some of them are removed but not just removed and left to one side, the loss of a positive becomes a negative and a burden because you are aware that the positive has been removed and (in a Herzberg Hygiene Factors style effect) slowly starts to challenge or de-stabilise the other blocks in your stack. One or two missing bricks isn't really a problem but by the time you get to 10 or 15 missing bricks the analogy indicates that your mental health is starting to become really unstable. Bullying and Harassment and lack of Inclusion act as significant forces to remove blocks and once something is removed from your stack it becomes very hard to put it back in place just like the real game of Jenga.
A positive reception
Inclusion day was upon us, the team were gathered and tucking into coffee and cake and it was my time to launch the model. I introduced it as an experiment because although I could see how everything worked I wasn't sure that anyone else would be able to grasp it, so I pretty much told the same story that I have written in the previous paragraphs. Demonstrating how removed bricks stacked up to act as de-stabilising influences,and how it was difficult to restore stability by trying to replace a brick that had been removed. I had intended for volunteers to come forward to pull a block at random but I ended up doing myself. Each time I talked a bit about how it would be so easy to either deliberately (as a bully might do) or inadvertedly (as a manager who is under pressure to deliver might do) remove a building block. It was a bit emotional for me because I talked about Karen in an open forum for the first time and also, I was surprised to learn, for some of the team who had clearly grasped what the model was all about. After the gathering several people came to speak to me about how good the model was to the extent that I was encouraged to run another session at another gathering in a few weeks time. Two people in particular felt that the model could be expanded such that with a few slightly different words the model would work not only for people, but for teams and for organisations.
More feedback
The Chief Exec was going to be at the next gathering so I felt I couldn't just turn up with just my limited stack of roughly sawn blocks so set about making it look a bit more professional. Coupled with the idea of trialing a set based on teams, I set out to make 2 new sets each with about 48 bricks per stack. I needed more words so asked the two that has suggested expanding the model to provide some.
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The shroud |
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A bit more professional looking |
December '17
In December I ran a final session with a bigger audience using 3 sets. This one was not as successful from my perspective, maybe becasue it was slotted in prior to the Teams Christmas party, maybe people were getting tired of seeing it or maybe because I had tried to minimise the story of the design and development so there was less emotional engagement from me. I'm not sure but recall feeling a little disappointed...don't get me wrong it wasn't a disaster ..there were some good conversations going on but the focus seemed to be more on building the highest tower....(maybe there were just too many engineers present!)![]() |
A higher tower |
Present Day.
The current "standard" word set. |
The first was with a psychologist who was running a Mindfulness course at work. She specialises in personal constructs and explained that the Jenga tower is a transitional device that allows people to have conversations about difficult stuff without having to make eye contact. She suggested that in terms of personal constructs that the individuals could write their understanding of the opposite of the word on the reverse side of the blocks (if they were covered by a whiteboard type material) as often the negatives can be more revealing when trying to work with personal constructs.
A few weeks later in a most unlikely setting on a bench outside a pub near Basingstoke and dressed in the garb of a typical 17th Century Musketeer I was introduced to a couple of councillors and rather nervously ran through my idea. To my surprise they are both interested in getting a set to work with their clients. One of them wanted to tweak some the words to make it more appropriate for her particular client group so I'm about to produce a custom set. I've also tweaked the standard word set recently in response to learning a bit more about myself, people and relationships. There is also an additional possibility of getting some further interest from the charity MIND. The MIND website was were I turned to in trying to diagnose Karen's behavior so it seem entirely appropriate that I complete the circle.
If you want to know more or have ideas for further development or a requirement for a custom set please get in contact
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