A collection of random ramblings by me covering my trip to Norway on a motorcycle, Project J and perhaps later also covering my experiences in the Sealed Knot.
Ride Norway
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I found the Ride Norway blog today. It has a lot of useful information about motorcycling in Norway, so rather than repeat it all in my blog I'm going to try to link to it at appropriate points from now on.
I ’m going to have to work out how long this trip is really going to take so need to refine the route and add some realism over the next couple of weeks. If it turns out to be too long I can take some short cuts and trim time off the journey later. Better to do it now than find I have left myself three or more 1000km+ days to get from Nordkapp back to Germany. Sylt My first thought was to head to Copenhagen - doable if I treat my 6hr/600km limit as more of a guideline than a hard and fast rule, however that gets me the the Pan Gathering too early so I might as well take a bit of a detour. So the plan for day 1 is to visit Sylt. Loads of cars around where I live have a sticker on the back that looks like a ballet dancer and it took me a while to work out that it wasn't in fact some local ballet school logo but a kind of status symbol that says I've been to Sylt so I'm going to see what its all about. Day 1 will therefore be 527km and 7:15 in the saddle if Myroute app i...
Speed With self induced pressure from a lot of kms to cover in a limited amount of time the question of speed and more accurately speed limits naturally popped into my mind especially as I’m expecting to encounter some wonderful open roads with good surfaces. In Norway I found (on this site ) that speed is a 4 letter word (it isn’t really 4 letters its actually 9 letters “Hastighet” which I really hope sounds like “Hasty get” because that would be perfect) what I mean is that if you speed even a little bit and you get caught you are f$%&#d. Fines start at about €80 for a small transgression (under +5kph) and rise rapidly to the point of a €930 fine at +25kph. If you are being stupid or forgetful and go above that you will be looking at loosing your licence with a fine that will depend on your income, community service or a mandatory stay in prison. With knowledge that speed limits seem to be lower in Norway than other European countries this is all starti...
So I have some bad news if there is actually anybody out there following this, I have decided to cancel my trip to Norway this year for two main reasons... The first is that I've just got back from a 3 week jaunt around Europe covering 5000km in that time, a lot of motorway/autobahn time, hotel hoping, a bit of camping and plenty of not moving days and frankly I'm knackered and fed up of living out of a suitcase and the back of a car for all that time. I managed to do one day of proper sight seeing on the road in Scotland, stopping where the fancy took me and taking some lovely photographs (even if I do say so myself) it was a nice day and I quite enjoyed the freedom to do pretty much whatever I wanted. Of course the penalty is that a 2 hour journey turned into over 3 hours, even with some occasional spirited driving as traffic conditions allowed, so using that as the benchmark I now realise that I have quite simply set the bar too high for myself in terms of the riding tim...
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