Speed, Coffee and Music
With self induced pressure from a lot of kms to cover in a limited amount of time the question of speed and more accurately speed limits naturally popped into my mind especially as I’m expecting to encounter some wonderful open roads with good surfaces.
In Norway I found (on this site) that speed is a 4 letter word (it isn’t really 4 letters its actually 9 letters “Hastighet” which I really hope sounds like “Hasty get” because that would be perfect) what I mean is that if you speed even a little bit and you get caught you are f$%&#d. Fines start at about €80 for a small transgression (under +5kph) and rise rapidly to the point of a €930 fine at +25kph. If you are being stupid or forgetful and go above that you will be looking at loosing your licence with a fine that will depend on your income, community service or a mandatory stay in prison. With knowledge that speed limits seem to be lower in Norway than other European countries this is all starting to weigh heavily on my mind as I have a tendency to “make good progress” when conditions permit.
I really don’t want to stay at her Norweigan Majestys pleasure (even if she does look like the princess in Kingsman) or get hit with a heavy fine so I’m going to have to think of ways to ensure that I don’t speed. The lack of ability to make progress coupled with long days in the saddle means I’m going to need Coffee, Music and some sort of speed warning thingy.
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